
About Sue Raffan

Personal Development Coach

“Embracing Your Sunshine” is for anyone who, when you can’t find the sunshine, choose to become the sunshine! I will enable you to find your identity, empowerment, purpose, passion and positivity so that your strengths are enhanced and you live with peace of mind.

I acknowledge exactly how you are feeling as I was once there too. I had it all and yet I couldn’t feel any fire in my sunshine.

After completing university, I left South Africa to travel for four years where I discovered more about myself, my resilience and my strengths than I was aware of. I even picked up a husband along the way. We settled in Perth, Western Australia, in 1999 and have lived here ever since as I believe it’s my land of milk and honey. After working in advertising sales, recruitment and the investment industry, I raised my family of three children always knowing that I would figure out my true calling (what I wanted to be when I grew up), once they were more independent. What I knew for sure was that my purpose was waiting for me to discover it and my journey to purpose has required me to personally grow first and step into my own sunshine.

I had to learn more about me and who I truly was, for my purpose to become clear.

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I have been “coaching” for years - always asking the un-askable questions, having the deeper conversations, loving connecting with others and assisting where I could. To be able to apply my natural strengths in a chosen career is a blessing and I am completely committed to what I do. The cliché has merit – love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life. I found myself as a mother of three incredible children, with a loving and supportive husband, financially secure, physically fit and vital, and we’d holiday abroad and socialise with good friends often. And yet … I was still unfulfilled. I battled with seeing my problem as being valid and never talked to anyone about it as I never knew how to start explaining it.

I didn’t know what was missing … just that something was. Keeping up appearances on “Fakebook”, with my frenemies, was exhausting as I constantly fed my ego by proving my success with recognition through posts. I was always time poor – doing ten things badly, as opposed to one thing well. Even as “just a mum”, I placed enormous pressure upon myself with high expectations and a need for perfectionism. I was my greatest critic in the face of public opinion and how I believed that I was perceived by others and my dear family were having to bear the brunt of my frustration and disillusionment, never understanding what I had to be unhappy about. On the surface, life was dandy however underneath, my flame was dying.


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Coaching and personal development completely turned that around for me. Developing an awareness of my thoughts, feelings and emotions allowed me the empowerment to rediscover what I had forsaken when I took on the roles of wife and mother.


I had defined myself by my responsibilities and lost myself in the process. It was a huge realisation that the resentment I felt towards my family commitments was in fact MY choice – the responsibility lay solely at my feet and as such, I was the only one that could choose to turn it around. Self-love was missing in my life, while family love was overflowing. However, if I never tended to my own care, I ran the risk of burn-out. You need a match, to light many candles. Love needed to start with me if I was to share it with others. Since learning about and embracing the importance of self-care, I am a very different member of our family.

I am better – a better wife, a better mother, a better ME! I am far from perfect however I embrace that perfectly imperfect is perfectly permissible and I love and accept myself just the way I am. When the clouds gather and the storm grows, my sunshine is always present, even if it’s hidden from view. And it is only in the presence of sunshine and rain that it’s possible for the rainbow to appear. In the same way, as challenges appear in my life and possibly intensify, I know that I have what it takes to overcome them and to take away the lessons that each experience brings. I live with so much more love, acceptance and calm now because I acknowledge the changing weather of life.


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I work with incredible, success-driven and motivated clients who want it all, as well as focusing on their own needs… their sunshine.

  • I assist clients with time management, leadership and self care.

  • I am an ICF certified personal development coach, mentor, life coaching trainer, presenter and keynote speaker.

  • I have worked with corporates, youth, women, children, parents and teachers to improve their experience of life and to take them from where they are to where they want to be.

  • I specialise in a creative and fun learning approach as I know that we learn more through experience than through teaching.

  • By applying the varied techniques and models within my toolbox, I offer a bespoke service tailored to clients’ needs and budget.

My clients are empowered to make the changes necessary to live the life of their wildest dreams because none of us was born average or to live a life of mediocrity. Each client is their greatest asset and ally. I save them time and agony by showing them that moving from a life of surviving to a life of thriving is within their skillset.

Every client has sunshine within them – it’s what makes each of us so magnificent and powerful. Fall in love with you and just imagine … being your own best friend and how incredibly powerful that would be. To have the friend that you have always desired, loving you as you desire to be loved!

Join me and together we will find the source of your sunshine and create a Universe beyond your wildest dreams.


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Coaching Programs & Workshops

Sue offers a range of various different services, from individual coaching to curated programs and workshops.


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I thrive on meeting new people so if you would love to see how change is possible for you, say hello by contacting me and we can discuss your unlimited potential.


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